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Xuzhou, China Marketing a komunikace Plný úvazek
Prozkoumat lokalitu

Popis práce

ID nabídky zaměstnání: 21033CN

Datum zveřejnění: 20/01/2025

• You have Very good understanding about statistics, research method and data analysis
• You are able to think strategically and formulate research and distribution plan for the city and PMAs.
• Able to lead vendors (research and distribution) in a high drive role.
• 协助市场活动的策划、组织和执行,包括但不限于线下活动、线上推广、品牌合作等
• 分析市场趋势和活动效果,撰写数据报告,为市场决策提供支持
• 与设计、销售、供应链等相关团队沟通,确保活动需求得到满足
Our team is the voice of IKEA. We use words, pictures and videos to tell the story about IKEA, to build our brand and inspire people with our offer. We bounce ideas back and forth, we challenge each other and we are crazy passionate about communication. Of course we’re also the ones who make sure to keep all our fellow co-workers informed, engaged and connected in a constantly changing business environment.

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