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Tech & Innovazione
  • Malacky, Bratislava Region, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Full time
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Descizione del ruolo

  • ID dell'offerta: REF20704U

  • Data della pubblicazione: 12/03/2025

  • Company description

    IKEA Industry je medzinárodná priemyselná skupina, ktorá bola založená v roku 1991 spoločnosťou IKEA a zameriava sa na výrobu a distribúciu nábytku. IKEA Industry je dynamicky sa rozvíjajúca spoločnosť, v ktorej môže každý prispieť svojím nápadom či názorom. Sme si vedomí toho, že naši ľudia sú cennou devízou, bez ktorej by tento rozvoj nebol možný. Vytvárame pracovné podmienky, umožňujúce zamestnancom neustály rozvoj.

    Job description

    Secure the maintenance and development of IT/OT infrastructure (servers, network peripherals), SCADA (AVEVA) platform, support MES system, production data reporting system. Ensures compliance with the MSF ready standard (Manufacturing system of the future – IKEAs Industry 4.0. standard) in the IT/OT area. Deliver required data to SCADA (AVEVA) or and MES platform on high quality level.


    1. Supervision and development of IT/OT infrastructure
    • IT/OT network management: troubleshooting, address management, VLAN management, cybersecurity, remote access
    • IT/OT server management: installing updates, monitoring activity, access management, diagnostics, software installation
    • management of peripheral devices: operator panels (software installation, failure removal, configuration), tablets (configuration and diagnostics) verification of compliance of implemented products with IKEA requirements
    • Connecting of PLC signals to the OPC UA server
    1. SCADA (AVEVA) platform management
    • configuration, access management, installing updates, troubleshooting
    • platform development - connecting new machines / lines, database management (Historian)
    • optimization of system solutions in terms of the current needs of users
    1. MES system support
    • performance monitoring, troubleshooting, database maintenance
    • testing system operation after updates
    1. Supervision of the production data reporting system
    • SQL database management: access, troubleshooting, optimization, preparation of data for business areas, preparation of report definitions based on business needs
    1. Supervision over the MSF ready standard
    • supervision over the standard of connecting new machines
    • cooperation with suppliers of new solutions (software, machines)
    • access management for external companies
    • integration of MSF systems with external solutions
    1. Transferring knowledge in the field of IT/OT, in particular:
    • conducting technical training (key users, end users)
    • technical consultancy for other department employees


    1. IT/OT processes (advanced knowledge of computer networks - CISCO CNNA, advanced knowledge of SCADA systems (experience with AVEVA is a big plus), system development, advanced knowledge of Windows Server systems, advanced administration of SQL databases - T - SQL language, knowledge of Mobile Device Management
    2. Business processes in a production company affected by the IT/OT process: maintenance (reading technical documentation, including MSF ready requirements, basic knowledge of industrial communication protocols – Siemens S7, Profinet, OPC UA, Modbus, Profibus, SIDirect)
    3. Good knowledge of MES and ERP
    4. English fluency (min. B2)
    5. Knowledge of Cybersecurity
    6. MS Office - advanced
    7. Technical skills - for reading, understanding and using technological / technical documentation
    8. Process thinking - understanding the principles and course of business processes, the ability to map and develop them in IT systems
    9. Trainer skills - to transfer knowledge in the field of IT systems support within the department and organization

    More Information

    Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity

    Tieto benefity ťa u nás čakajú:
    • Príspevok na doplnkové dôchodkové poistenie vo výške 2,5% z hrubej mzdy
    • Koncoročná odmena vo výške 75% priemerného zárobku
    • 5 dní dovolenky navyše
    • Dotácia na stravu
    • 15% zľava v OD IKEA
    • Dochádzkový bonus 100 €
    • Podpora pri životných udalostiach
    • Odmena za dlhoročnú prácu do výšky 300 €
    • Odmena pri životnom jubileu vo výške 150 €
    • Odmena za odporúčanie zamestnanca 500 €
    • zamestnanecká doprava zdarma zo smerov:
    1. Skalica,Holíč, Kopčany, Adamov, Kúty, Sekule, Moravský Svätý Ján, Závod, Veľké Leváre
    2. Plavecký Peter, Plavecký Mikuláš, Plavecké Podhradie, Sološnica, Rohožník, Kuchyňa, Pernek
    3. Senica, Šastín - Stráže, Šaštín, Borský Mikuláš, Lakšárska Nová Ves, Studienka

    Mzdové podmienky (brutto)
    2300 EUR/mesiac Výška mzdy závisí od skúseností kandidáta

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